Friday, January 6, 2012


Wow can you believe we are in 2012 and I haven't blogged forever. I am going to try and when I say try I mean really really really try to mean it... that is updating my blog.

However pictures may be scarce because I lost my camera and I have looked every where for it. I have no idea where it went.

I have been trying to clean out closets and organize my office. My office is somewhat of a dumping spot for everyone. When they don't know where to put things ie; junk mail, Cd's, winter gloves and hats and just about anything, it ends up in my office so now I have to train the monkey's.

I think organization is slightly over rated. But all the containers make everything look good and orderly. I remember in my container days I put everything in containers even my cereal and noodles just to have my pantry look beautiful, but that didn't last because there were empty containers dangling in the pantry with boxes of cereal and noodles all a miss.

Then I organized my office closet oh the beauty of markers, pens, pencils office supplies and the such in nice organized containers, and then it happens. Things ended up outside the containers all over the closet shelves. Why oh why oh why does this happen? Three things: 1. Tarah 2. Erikah 3. Megan...

Oh well someday I may get my container fix back.