I am among the living I do have to say however I have taken all of the above drugs and at one time in mass quantity which had me neurotic as if I couldn't sleep as it was. The other night I went to the cupboard after almost coughing a lung up and proceeded the usual taking of the usual cough syrups when I realized one of the bottles was empty (Robitussin CF)(Highly recommended by Gayle) and another bottle (Delsym) was 1/2 way empty.
Puzzling I said to my self because early this morning when I got off the phone with Gayle they both were full and still had their safety wrapping around them. I know because I was swearing trying to get the bloody things open. I said "Self you best ask around to see who else has been sneaking the syrup". To my dismay no one had and at this point I became a little off balanced. . .
My eyes were having trouble focusing as well but hey I wasn't coughing as much and my lungs weren't about to come flying out, and my eyes were not going to come popping out of my head and I'd have to chase them as they went rolling down the hallway with so much pressure from coughing.
This was a good sign. EXCEPT NOW I thought to my self. . . . "Self we are in a predicament". "Why do you do things like this?" I said, " I don't know I wasn't paying attention to the label, I just kept taking a hit every time I coughed!" So I went to my room to continue on my conversation. That and I didn't want my girls to know what I did, they already think I am a ninny at times. Boyd's out of town (whew!!!) (Kyle is at school, double whew!!!) I am to neurotic to sleep at this point but hey she is feeling goooood!!!
I'm already reclused to the southwest corner of the house because of the coughing plague. Thank goodness that is where my room is. I haven't seen Soy Bean in a month (Okay it has only been a week) but I swear it seems like a month. I went down stairs tonight just to get a glimpse of him because I forgot what my Grandson looks like and his evil mother was on me like a fly to you know what and I got yelled at and almost tourcherd to get back to my south west corner cell.
Hey it beats the next best thing I was going to do, I was ready to call out to anyone that had the hard stuff. I don't drink but when you are desperate and haven't slept in almost a week and you have coughed until it is beyond hurt. Whiskey sounds like the next best thing.
Life is so hard as a sick person here. I hope everyone out there feels sorry for my life because I know I do. Which leads me to the title of this blog, I finally had Erikah take me to the Doctor, well actually after the family saying in their nicest voices (ya right!) I ended up getting a prescription of a wonder cough syrup. Thank goodness for Codeine. HIP HIP HOORAY!!!
You are too funny! So sorry you've been so miserable!
You crack me up! I really hope that medicine does it's job and you start feeling better soon!
Mom, sometimes you scare me. When you get sober maybe you should re read what you wrote.
And puhlease, I didn't yell at you I just told you to get back upstairs, it was too risky.
Mmm, cough medicine with codeine :o) I got that stuff when I got mono/strep/staph infection in my tonsils. THAT was a lousy time. Nothing like mono leading to strep which in turn gives you a staph infection. Glad I cut those babies out!!
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