I am very blessed to have the family that I have, they are intelligent and silly. We end up with some of the most interesting conversations. They will do anything for you.
I have a sister who is sweet and concrete, she makes friends where ever she goes. We will be on a plane and there she is talking to a complete stranger as if she know who they are(Lisa). Another sister who doesn't have common sense and yet she is one of the most skilled social workers you will ever meet. She has helped me a time or two. Thank you sis. (Rita)
My other sister is the most giving person you will ever meet and she is always learning new things (Beck).
Then there is my brother, bless his heart to have to deal with all sisters who talk and talk forever, he sits quietly by because he can't get a word in. I am glad to be building a relationship with him (Larry).
I love you all.
Last but not least there are my Mom and Dad who have made me the person I am. True Christlike attributes. They are the epitome of Love and sacrifice. I Love you.
Family is what this life is all about!
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