Sunday, October 26, 2008


It has been a crazy October for our family, we had puppies, Tarah turned 22 on the 4th, My baby(Megan)turned 18 on the 17th, and my LOVER tuned old on the 20th, and of course Soy Bean (Sawyer) is 3 months old. WOW!!! that went by so fast my head is still spinning. Life is kind of scary when you stop and take the time to assess it. We are almost approaching a new year and with that comes different goals to be set. I try not to set any at the first of the year. I try to set them a little later so that I don't feel the need to be overwhelmed by everything I try to accomplish. I have given up the unrealistic goals as well, what kind of crazy loon would do that anyway? (I used to) Why put pressure on ones self. I am trying to take the "relax and smell the roses", "don't sweat the small stuff", "life is to short", (and any other clique' that comes to mind) approach. So far so good. I think I've gone overboard however, my house is a mess, my closets in disarray, laundry is behind, and I don't mind. I just hope when I decide to "get off the pot" so to speak I won't have a melt down. But until them I am enjoying the ride...


Linds said...

Good attitude! I agree, I never set goals for the year, too much stress.

Marissa said...

You HAVE had a busy October! At least it's almost over, but then it's the holiday season EEK!

Jenni said...

Now, THOSE are some New Years Resolutions. I am going to pledge to stop cleaning the bathrooms and doing laundry. Why has no one ever thought of this before? I'm sure I'll be much happier.

You're an inspiration, my dear.


rossnkellie said...

I love the pictures, that's pretty much how I feel everyday at work. Amen to being married to strange Woolsey men, they are too unpredictable (in a good way of course) most of the time.