Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Our little Sawyer is going in the hospital, for yet another operation. I am an anxious Grandma who worries about my Soybean in pain. This is a necessary procedure and will help him breath better and hopefully get him eating other variety of foods and other things he struggles with.

This little guy has been through allot, and so has his parents. But he seems to continue his happy smiling attitude. He teaches me at such a young age. I love you my little Sawyer.

It is all about attitude. Whether scrubbing a toilet, whipping a snotty nose, or preparing a lesson or perhaps waking up going to your place of employment.

If only we all could have the attitude of Sawyer. He always finds a smile and a giggle no matter the circumstance. He definitely knows something that we don't. I am going to commit on having a better attitude in life, I have always been a happy sort of person but Sawyer radiates love and happiness and I would love to radiate that same spirit.

We can be miserable or happy, it is our choice. We deserve happiness, we deserve goodness, we deserve success, we deserve the best that life has to offer.


Linds said...

AMEN!!! Love that little boy. I hope he recovers well.