Oh and as for the results of mine??? Still waiting. I wished I would of taken pictures it was so funny I just sat and giggled, I'm sure the Technician didn't see any humor as he was sticking probe like things in my head and arms and legs, on my face and jaws. Stuck a thing in my nose to measure your oxygen output. I looked like a science experiment. I just kept flashing back to Young Frankenstein.
I am sure he wanted to El ca bong me to shut me up from giggling. Then he left and shut out the light and then I heard from the heavens. "Okay Robbin, blink you eyes 5 times". What the heck, I'm thinking. Silence precedes and then once more, "blink your eyes 5 times please". So I look around the room to find the camera while of course blinking. I'm a little creeped out at this point, then I had to do other exercises like; look left, look right, look up, look down, etc. etc. etc.
How can someone sleep knowing that some stranger is watching them? How can someone
sleep knowing you are not in you bed? In your covers? In a smelly old
building with a next door neighbor doing the same thing? With no private bathroom.
I felt like I was in a hostel only I wasn't in Europe, I was in Murray, Utah. Dang! He went over
the buzzer rule of course and I rang it (twice) to go to the bathroom down the hall. I knew I shouldn't have drank that extra water, what the heck was I thinking and that can of Diet Coke.
He was a nice Dude Technician, very patient unhooking me each time I went to the bathroom.
Then I tried the "go to you special place" meditation, except I don't have a special place. Everyone in the world has one but me, so then I tried some other meditation like thinking of a song, but then I couldn't remember the words. I was not sleeping. Hummm! What next? I tried a breathing technique but that just made me dizzy. Oh and to make matters worse I was suppose to sleep on my back which I am a side sleeper. I finally started getting sleepy and I believe I feel asleep. Then promptly I heard him telling my neighbor it was time to get up.
Man they want you out of there as quickly as possibly, so 5:30 we were up and out the door.
So who knows if I even got REM sleep. Oh well I guess we shall know soon.