Thursday, July 15, 2010


No really I do, I was able to take one today. You may think that is a bit odd but when you have Strep and it hits you hard as with me this round, taking a shower is such a delight.

We came home from San Francisco on Friday, felt tired Saturday and by Sunday I was beyond miserable. I would go into more detail but my sensitive family thinks I am melodramatic. Insensitive Heathens. I'm in severe misery and they think I am a drama queen. Hump! I had a 101.7 (got to get the .7 in there) temperature and a "person" in the family said, "oh hey that is good it is just a slight fever." If I had the strength I would of reached over and smack the "person" in the head but that would of hurt me and I probably would of passed out...

I really can't fault the "person"after all I was the one doing all the temp. taking in the family but it still puzzles me. However, I did let the "person" know that 99.9 was a low grade fever. (Ninny!) The funny thing is I was thinking my fever broke I wonder how high it was before that?

Okay I wasn't going to go into detail, good thing I didn't.

Back to the shower. When you get up to shower and take two steps forward and decide to go lay back down because getting up is just to much energy and your heart is pounding and your sweating, then showers are da bomb.

Day one after laying there sick I started getting angry because I have no time for sickness. Who does? I have no patience for it either. I'm a buck up and get over and stop your whining kinda gal as well. (Okay bordering on ruthless) Not to patient for whiners either. Ask my kids and Loverboy they will tell you. When the girls were young they were afraid of winery signs (we lived in Seattle by wine country) because when they would whine I told them that is where whiners go. (okay I threaten somtimes, not gonna lie.)
Day two I start getting real hateful that I keep myself boarded up where no one can deal with me but me. I can B&M to myself and talk back to myself, but dare anyone else? Oh hell no!

Day three starts the Martyer syndrome, I get weepy, sensitive, and maybe a little whinny. (oh I just contradicted myself, refer to day one) I feel real sorry for myself because I am never going to EVER feel better again and I go around telling my family be grateful for their health, yada yada yada and anything could set me off.

Example: Tarah comes to get some things she has left behind from the move and she brought Sawyer and she comes in and says "Wow mom are you feeling any better" "Make sure you don't go near Sawyer." "OKAAAAAY. I know." I say... I wouldn't want to plague him with my disease (sensitive).

Another Example: Megan comes in the computer room. I am finally at sitting position downloading pictures and she said, "Oh my," (with a giggle in her voice) "mom your sporting a nice hair do"(mind you I haven't showered for 3 days. I know disgusting even the dogs don't sit by me) (Sensitive again)

Then the final Sensitive straw: Loverboy comes in and says: " Hey Lover nice to see you up and out of bed, are you feeling better?" Yes I am my goal tomorrow is a shower. He says: " that should make you feel good and give you some energy. Don't get near Soybean." So rather than concentrate on the nice things Loverboy says I narrow in on Soybean and say, "gall you'd think I had Leprosy or Bubonic plague or something. (whining) Everyone gets sick, just because I suck and it takes me longer to get better and I have tonsils and you don't, even Sawyer has his out,(more whining with annoyance) and the worse thing it sounded so childish and made no sense and I turned around and no one was listening anyway. What the heck was up with throwing in the tonsil remark? They just hear me babbling crazily to myself but didn't hear one word. Thank the lord above. WHEW!!! Weepy and Whinning all in one. OHHH I hate that. Which brings me back around to days 1 and 2.
Okay I wasn't going to go into detail, good thing I didn't.

Back to the shower, just sitting there with no thoughts rolling in my head (another Blog time), smelling my lavendar soap and pumicing my heels. A good lather to my head and taking in the feel of the water and the smell of lavendar makes me love to shower.
I think we all should get in our showers and put our hands together and thank our Father for the opportunity that we get to shower. We are lucky.

Water problems affect half of humanity:
Some 1.1 billion people in developing countries have inadequate access to water, and 2.6 billion lack basic sanitation.

Almost two in three people lacking access to clean water survive on less than $2 a day, with one in three living on less than $1 a day.

More than 660 million people without sanitation live on less than $2 a day, and more than 385 million on less than $1 a day.

Access to piped water into the household averages about 85% for the wealthiest 20% of the population, compared with 25% for the poorest 20%.

1.8 billion people who have access to a water source within 1 kilometre, but not in their house or yard, consume around 20 litres per day. In the United Kingdom the average person uses more than 50 litres of water a day flushing toilets (where average daily water usage is about 150 liters a day. The highest average water use in the world is in the US, at 600 liters day.) Some 1.8 million child deaths each year as a result of diarrhoea

The loss of 443 million school days each year from water-related illness.

Close to half of all people in developing countries suffering at any given time from a health problem caused by water and sanitation deficits.

Millions of women spending several hours a day collecting water.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I am looking forward to the summer due to the fact that I get Boyd back and what I mean by that is simply he has been to Morocco and back this year several times. He was part of the African Lion Humanitarian Civil Affairs Mission. He had a lot of experiences while he was there. I will post pictures soon. This summer he won't travel as much so we will spend time together which I love to do.

We really love to hang out with each other, he loves to go grocery shopping with me which allot of people can't figure out why he likes to do that. He just hangs around and let's me have at it. We are truly each others best friend. Don't get me wrong we have spats here and there but we love each other and respect each other as well. It takes allot of work in marriage and allot of giving and taking.

I think we tend to look at other people and think their marriage is perfect. I remember a time in life when I would think that just to find out that they were just as imperfect as anyone else. Realizing that struggles and life lessons are to be learned, even though some of us rather not learn the lessons (no thank you).

I love quotes and save them and this quote is one I like: “When we are unable to find tranquility within ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere”.

This is something that hit me at one time in my life. We get so caught up in life and the world around us. On facebook in my status area I once said that my brain is a noisy place (no I don't hear voices) because the world around is so noisy and it is real easy to get caught up in it. We are anesthetized to things around us, things that are acceptable in society today. Standards have become low, it is hard for me to find a modest shirt anymore. It frustrates me that I have to buy a undershirt thingy

We are so connected with the media, Internet and television it is crazy the message we get continually (yes I am on a tangent). Lot of Anti-Family crap, it scares me to death. I feel for our future children because they need to be strong. My grandchildren and great grandchildren and so forth... Jeez no wonder I am up at night eh? No, I have no idea why I had this on my mind at this time It is something that has been buildig up in my noisy brain for quite some time. Maybe if anyone reads my blog, which who knows if anyone does, it may be for them or maybe it is for me to get it off my chest. One may never know . . .

Friday, May 14, 2010


Once again I find myself struggling to keep our family blog going, mainly for the sake of following through on something and the fact that it is a journal type of process for my present and future posterity. Okay, this and the fact I can check off one of the things that may possible get my foot through the door to heaven, or at least a servant of some sort. I'll take that at this point. I have started doing my Genealogy. (another check)(getting a little closer) Well okay I turned on the computer linked up to Familylink and typed Boyd and my information in. This is allot better than a week ago. Thank you momma for your inspiring (guilt trip) words. I am committed to following though on this as well.

Two commitments in a row how will I survive?! I am fortunate for the material I am "blessed" to work with, we are a very interesting clan that started back in 1853 a great-great Grandpa by the name of James McNeil and continues today. Then there is my fathers side of the story that I have yet to tap into.

Of course I am always focusing on the present and that gives me much material , for we are an odd bunch of heathens at times and that is why I so love my family. We are what we are. Take it or leave it.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Our little Sawyer is going in the hospital, for yet another operation. I am an anxious Grandma who worries about my Soybean in pain. This is a necessary procedure and will help him breath better and hopefully get him eating other variety of foods and other things he struggles with.

This little guy has been through allot, and so has his parents. But he seems to continue his happy smiling attitude. He teaches me at such a young age. I love you my little Sawyer.

It is all about attitude. Whether scrubbing a toilet, whipping a snotty nose, or preparing a lesson or perhaps waking up going to your place of employment.

If only we all could have the attitude of Sawyer. He always finds a smile and a giggle no matter the circumstance. He definitely knows something that we don't. I am going to commit on having a better attitude in life, I have always been a happy sort of person but Sawyer radiates love and happiness and I would love to radiate that same spirit.

We can be miserable or happy, it is our choice. We deserve happiness, we deserve goodness, we deserve success, we deserve the best that life has to offer.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sleep Study... Sleep Study... Sleep Study...

Here is Soybean at his sleep study. Tarah sent this picture from her phone so technically this is her picture but I just couldn't help myself. Words can not tell you out there in blog land how much this little angel has melted my heart. They left around 9:30 ish and it was so quiet. I don't know how I am going to do it when they buy a home and take my little sweet angel away from me. (I know I sound a little psycho) He brings such a harmonious energy and spirit into this house I can almost imagine what it would be like to be in heaven.
Oh and as for the results of mine??? Still waiting. I wished I would of taken pictures it was so funny I just sat and giggled, I'm sure the Technician didn't see any humor as he was sticking probe like things in my head and arms and legs, on my face and jaws. Stuck a thing in my nose to measure your oxygen output. I looked like a science experiment. I just kept flashing back to Young Frankenstein.
I am sure he wanted to El ca bong me to shut me up from giggling. Then he left and shut out the light and then I heard from the heavens. "Okay Robbin, blink you eyes 5 times". What the heck, I'm thinking. Silence precedes and then once more, "blink your eyes 5 times please". So I look around the room to find the camera while of course blinking. I'm a little creeped out at this point, then I had to do other exercises like; look left, look right, look up, look down, etc. etc. etc.
How can someone sleep knowing that some stranger is watching them? How can someone
sleep knowing you are not in you bed? In your covers? In a smelly old
building with a next door neighbor doing the same thing? With no private bathroom.
I felt like I was in a hostel only I wasn't in Europe, I was in Murray, Utah. Dang! He went over
the buzzer rule of course and I rang it (twice) to go to the bathroom down the hall. I knew I shouldn't have drank that extra water, what the heck was I thinking and that can of Diet Coke.
He was a nice Dude Technician, very patient unhooking me each time I went to the bathroom.
Then I tried the "go to you special place" meditation, except I don't have a special place. Everyone in the world has one but me, so then I tried some other meditation like thinking of a song, but then I couldn't remember the words. I was not sleeping. Hummm! What next? I tried a breathing technique but that just made me dizzy. Oh and to make matters worse I was suppose to sleep on my back which I am a side sleeper. I finally started getting sleepy and I believe I feel asleep. Then promptly I heard him telling my neighbor it was time to get up.
Man they want you out of there as quickly as possibly, so 5:30 we were up and out the door.
So who knows if I even got REM sleep. Oh well I guess we shall know soon.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Been Awhile

Okay so it has been awhile since I have been on here and so I say to you all, so sorry... I will be catching you all up starting with this new year, but for now I will just do a little entry letting you know that tonight I am going at 9:30 to do a sleep study.

Yes, you heard me a lovely sleep study to see if I have sleep apnea and If I do? well I don't know how this will work because I can't handle anything put up to my face.

The dentist would like to knock me out with the hammer just to give me the gas stuff, I have to take anxiety meds just to go to him. With all my C-sections, they realized they had to put me out or sedate me first before I could let them but the oxygen mask on. I would go absolutely wacko if they tried to put it on, I thought I was suffocating so needless to say I am having a teny little tiny panic attack just thinking about it.

Isn't it interesting what you learn about someone.

Okay, I am signing off and I will let you know how it went. Hopefully I can sleep so they will be able to get an accurate study.

bye bye for now.....

peace out!