Anyone that knows her can testify to that. She can't go anywhere without breaking into a jig. We will be in Target, or a Theatre, restaurant, a Funeral anywhere you name it she will break into a dance and Yes, even at church down the hall as we are getting ready to go into sacrament meeting.
That is our Meggie. She has been devoted to dance, who else would be crazy enough to get up every morning at 5:30 sometimes earlier for three years to pound their body for 3 hours in the morning and sometimes 3 hours after school? Not a complaint but a big ol' smile on their face?
She was so deathly shy as a little girl and her older sister Tarah took dance from a place called Dance by Dee which taught interpretive dance. This was the perfect Dance class I was looking for. It was non-competitive and taught them dance skills, they didn't have to get all dressed up and look like 25 year old beauty pageant queens and feel massive pressure competing. So Megan wanted to take dance as well and that started her JOURNEY. My little shy girl wasn't shy anymore. . .
We owe allot to them and of course to Copperhills Dance Company. . .
We owe allot to our Family and Friends who have supported Megan. My Family came to every one of her performances throughout the years. She wishes to thank everyone for the support they have given her. She is so blessed to be loved by so many. Thank you.